
Pandemic Management: How Technology Has Been Helping Businesses Thrive During the Pandemic

There is no denying that technology has played an important role in promoting development and shaping the future of our society. Technological advancements have helped most businesses to operate and thrive, especially during this challenging health crisis. But not all companies are lucky enough, as small enterprises have been closing down or resorting to financial support such as loan programs and investment companies.

As technology has fully taken over our lives, it has undoubtedly made our lives easier. When the COVID-19 pandemic forced countries to go into lockdown, millions of households turn to technology to access the outside world, such as virtual classrooms, online shopping, food deliveries, and telehealth services.

But apart from these necessities, the advantages of technology have gone beyond its digital capabilities. This article will discuss how technology helped manage the current health crisis and how businesses maximize the role of technology to thrive this pandemic.

Data sharing

In this health crisis, information sharing has become critical to everyday life by raising awareness of the proper health measures. To provide visibility during the pandemic, governments and big firms relied on the latest technologies, such as mobile applications, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and more.

Most companies provided mobile devices such as laptops to keep the line of communication among their teams and enhance remote working capability. As a result, the need for mobile devices has become increasingly important to help employees and companies gain access to programs and tools required to perform their jobs while at home.

Great examples are national banks and corporate firms that allowed institutional traders and call center agents to work in the comfort of their homes. This is to ensure the health safety of employees while providing them a source of income while in quarantine. They provided laptops, mobile phones, or tablets with access to certain applications, where they can easily coordinate information to concerned departments.

Most companies use the Internet to increase transparency and traceability when sharing data. Web search engine Microsoft Bing introduced an interactive map for COVID-19, where users can access news about the current global health status, while visibility provider Sixfold created a free live map to inform supply chains in Europe about shipment delays.

Most companies, such as loan offices and banks, continue their business amidst COVID-19 by adopting technology and applying social distancing rules to keep their clients safe and their operations running.

Digital applications

The ability to offer personalized services in physical branches is necessary for most companies, especially when it involves critical operations. For safer appointments, companies use digital applications where visitors can sign up and access services online. Companies also set up appointments on their website to control the number of clients visiting the branch.

Financial institutions have also provided virtual services to clients who are reluctant to engage with in-person transactions. These include advisory services, wealth management, and video banking.

When it comes to temperature monitoring, wireless thermometer guns have become widely used in checking the temperature of customers before entering a business establishment. These body temperature-measuring tools have become an essential medical device used in checkpoints, such as shops, airports, offices, hospitals, train stations, and other public facilities.

These technologies helped business owners to pinpoint individuals who require health investigation. Meanwhile, some tech companies have developed faster and effective solutions in measuring body temperature through automated temperature monitoring with added features, such as facial recognition.

Health solutions

woman working with a cup of coffee

When a health crisis comes up, the first thing on everyone’s mind is knowing the right medicine to prevent it. As the pandemic continues to loom over mankind, the world has become desperate to stop the virus and return to normal life. This is where technology comes in by making it easier for pharmaceutical companies to look for solutions and find the best vaccines in a shorter time.

The role of AI has never been greater in helping scientists and medical researchers unravel the complexities of COVID-19 and explore relevant researches at a quicker pace. Companies such as Google DeepMind and the Allen Institute for AI introduced newer innovations to understand the virus by sharing research results and data sets. The result of their collaboration produced AlphaFold, a system that predicts a protein’s 3D structure using genetic sequence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has established the role of technology when it comes to digital readiness. Amid disruptions in our normal routine, technology permitted businesses to continue carrying out their services while life goes on as usual. Building the right structure to stay updated in the latest innovations is essential for businesses to survive and remain competitive with or without COVID-19.

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